After many years in selling businesses – there aren’t many challenges that Bruce hasn’t seen or overcome before. So when you want to sell a business, he can show you how to make it easy. In fact, he has developed a proven formula to ensure that a business is sold within 90 days.
Bruce says; “I have found that if you first focus on your future needs and wants it is easier to work out a comprehensive exit plan for you to achieve these goals.”
Working back from these goals and utilising a “holistic” approach to consider the Legal, Taxation, Accounting, Financial Planning, Insurance and HR requirements – the outcome is simply and easily achieved.
Remember that an Exit Strategy considers many options and may not be best achieved by a sale. A better result can often be achieved by a merger, corporate/strategic acquisition by a competitor or investor, or venture capital firm. Even a family member, or a “Management Buy Out”, or a “Management Buy In” can produce great results for business owners.
Many people are scared of the idea of an IPO rollout or other sophisticated business exit options – but all aspects should be considered when planning the eventual exit from a business. This is the type of skill and experience that Bruce offers business owners.
Contact me today.